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Customer Service

How We Use Surveys to Improve Service


Our Customer Service Performance Measures page provides the agency’s customer satisfaction scores and targets. This data is gathered from feedback shared by workers and retirees, pension plan practitioners, and online audiences.


PBGC regularly improves its processes and services based on industry best practices and regulatory guidelines. Improvements based specifically on feedback provided by customers through survey responses include:

Plan Participants:

  • Added Find unclaimed retirement benefits search tool to assist beneficiaries of private-sector employers who lost track of benefits when their plan ended
  • Increased staff at the Customer Contact Center to bring down wait times
  • Reorganized the Workers & Retirees page on to provide better instructions for customers and access to online forms under the Manage Your Benefits section
  • Added an email channel for customers to send us forms and other documents
  • Published a Retiree Update, including updated information on how to change federal tax withholding in compliance with new IRS requirements
  • Developed a secure system to help participants who encounter problems with be vetted and get access to MyPBA
  • Provide one-on-one service to participants experiencing technical issues creating a MyPBA account

Pension Practitioners:

  • Added and improved features in PBGC’s My Pension Administration Account (My PAA), the online premium filing tool, to help practitioners submit filings and payments
  • Enhanced the My PAA payment process, including summary pages, status reports, and the ability to submit payments on demand directly from My PAA outside of the filing process

Online Audiences:

  • Added and regularly updated Special Financial Assistance applications, allowing plan participants and practitioners to monitor the status of SFA applications
  • Expanded SFA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to better assist plan administrators with complex Special Financial Assistance applications
  • Improved navigation by adding recommended links and reformatting plan listings
  • Added and updated pages with Spanish translation
Last Updated:

New Visitor Resources

Use the resources below to find out more about your pension plan and how PBGC can help manage your benefits.

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