Important Reminder About 2025 Due Dates
For plan years beginning in 2025, premium filings are generally due one month earlier than usual because of a provision contained in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. See Technical Update 25-1 for more information.
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My PAA Enhancements effective Monday, 01/13/2025:
- SUBMISSION OF MY PAA PAYMENTS OUTSIDE OF FILING PROCESS IS FINALLY HERE! Now payment preparers can submit any premium-related payment to PBGC on demand, outside of the filing process. For more details, please view How to Submit a My PAA Payment Outside of the Filing Process Published Answer.
- MY PAA REDESIGN CONTINUING: PBGC has redesigned the My PAA Home, Filing Details and Plan Details Pages. Now the Upload and Upload History Pages have been updated. These pages have a new look and feel, but it should be noted that the processes for premium-related activity have not changed.
- NEW FILING AND PAYMENT STATUS REPORT AVAILABLE: From the Plan List Page, practitioners will be able to access a Filing Payment and Status Report. This report will provide a consolidated view (via excel) of filing and payments statuses for all plans in your account. This report will be emailed to the email address corresponding to the user’s My PAA account. View the How to Use Filing and Payment Status Report Published Answer for more details.
- AUTOMATED DUE DATE ALERTS: New email notifications will be sent to filing team members for abandoned draft filings for upcoming due dates, which are only awaiting Plan Administrator certification. (01/13/2025)
Ongoing Reminders:
The following enhancements have been implemented since the new version of My PAA went live in late April 2021 based on practitioner feedback received:
- ALMOST DONE! PBGC has completed the redesign of the Plan List and In-Process Filings Pages, and similar to the other updated pages (Home Page, Filing Details Page, and Plan Details Page), the processes for premium-related activity have not changed. The My PAA team will continue working to redesign additional webpages over the next several months, so please be on the lookout for updates (08/11/2024).
- NEW POP-UP! To help ensure that premium filings and payments are submitted on time, My PAA has implemented a new in-process filing notification. If a user has at least one filing that is in-process, then once they log in to their My PAA account, or if they return to the Home Page while being logged in, then the notification will appear. For more details, please check out the Published Answer, How to Utilize the In-Process Filing Notification (08/11/2024).
- REDESIGN OF MY PAA IS CONTINUING! PBGC started the redesign of My PAA with the My PAA Home and Filing Details Pages (updated in January 2024), and now the Plan Details Page has been updated. These pages have a new look and feel, but it should be noted that the processes for premium-related activity have not changed. The My PAA team will continue working to redesign additional webpages over the next several months, so please be on the lookout for updates. For more details, please check out the Published Answer, Redesign of My PAA Webpages (04/22/2024).
- NEW YEAR, NEW LOOK, BUT THE SAME MY PAA! The My PAA Home Page and Filing Details Page now have a new look and feel. Please note that the processes for premium-related activity have not changed. The My PAA team will continue working to redesign additional webpages over the next several months, so please be on the lookout for updates. For more details, please check out the Published Answer, Redesign of My PAA Webpages (01/08/2024).
- FILING ROUTING HAS RETURNED! Upon completion of a filing task (i.e., filing draft completed, actuary certification and payment option selected), the filing team member will now have the option to select which filing team member will receive a filing notification email indicating the action required to complete the filing submission process. For more details, please view the Published Answer, How to Route a Filing to a Filing Team Member (07/24/2023).
- The Payment ID is now displayed on Filing Details Page upon submission of the Comprehensive Premium Filing via My PAA. It is important to know that this will only display for payments made within My PAA, and for screen prepared and/or imported filings. In addition to the My PAA Payment ID, the amount paid will also display. You will be able to verify the payment has posted to the plan’s account by viewing the plan’s Account History (07/24/2023).
- Customizable View for your Plan List! Logged in users will now be able to view information from their most recent filing directly from this page for all plans they are actively associated with, easily search/identify/filter filings requiring action by status, and are provided a direct link to the Plan or Filing Details page to complete premium-related tasks, plus more. For more details, please view My PAA's Published Answer, How to Use the Plan List (04/24/2023).
- Bulk is back! My PAA users now have the capability to add one team member to multiple plans in a single request. Please note that the practitioner completing the bulk add request must be assigned the Filing Coordinator role for the corresponding plans they wish to add a new team member. Also, it is important to note that the new team member being added to the plans must already have an existing My PAA account. For more information, please view PBGC's Published Answer, How to Add a Practitioner to Multiple Plans, for step-by-step guidance (01/09/2023).
- Skip to the end! The upload process has been updated to make the interview more efficient and to save users time and clicks! If a single or batch XML file does not have any schema, access, or in-process filing validation errors (steps 1-3), then the upload interview will redirect the user to the Business Rule Validation screen (i.e., the last step of the interview prior to certification). The first three steps (validations) of the upload interview screens will only appear if there is an error that needs to be corrected before continuing. Please view the How to Upload & Certify Filings demo for more details (01/09/2023).
- New My PAA Login Method Now Available: The login process for My PAA has been modified to meet new federal cybersecurity requirements for public-facing websites, most notably a requirement to implement two-factor authentication. My PAA users may now access their accounts on This secure service is used by the public to log in to participating government services including TSA's PreCheck, Social Security, and USA jobs. With this new process, practitioners can use the same email address and password to access all participating government services. Additional information is available at My PAA FAQs (08/22/2022).
- BACKWARDS NAVIGATION IS HERE! The filing process has been updated to allow Filing Preparers the capability to edit previously input filing data during any point of the filing interview without having to go back to the beginning of the filing. Simply click on the "Back" button to update/review data immediately preceding the current page you are on. My PAA will still allow Filing Preparers to return to the beginning of any in-process/draft filing by clicking on the "Return to Beginning of Filing" button at the bottom of any filing interview page. Please view the Published Answer, How to Edit a Filing, for more details (08/22/2022).
- If you would like to import an error free- draft filing to be certified via the My PAA screens, now you can without having to review/approve the draft again. Once you have imported the XML via the upload interview, if there are no errors associated with your filing data you will have the option to click on the "Approve Draft" button. By clicking this button, My PAA will automatically approve your draft filing as the first step of the certification process. Please view the Importing Filings Published Answer for more details (08/22/2022).
- In addition to Plan Name and Plan Admin Details, Plan Admin/Plan Admin Reps have the option to update/change the Plan Contact information. This will be the "Attention" link for any mailed correspondences from the PBGC pertaining to the plan. Please view the How to View and Edit Plan Details Published Answer (08/22/2022).
- Trying to find a specific uploaded filing? My PAA can now help with the filter by Upload Status on the Upload History Page. Please view the Can you Filter by Status on the Upload History Page? Published Answer for more details (08/22/2022).
- Firefox has been confirmed! Along with Google Chrome 97.0+ and Microsoft Edge 97.0+, PBGC has confirmed the Firefox 101.0+ is a fully compatible browser when accessing the My PAA website (06/10/2022).
- Business Code entry has been redesigned with increased usability in mind, based on practitioner feedback. A link to the most recent list of Business Codes has also been added to the General Plan Information Page for screen prepared filings, which is also accessible outside of the filing process via PBGC's website, as well as the Published Answer, What are Business Codes? (06/10/2022).
- All Filing Preparers can edit non-submitted filings in any status. Prior to this change, a filing must be in "Draft" status to be edited by a Filing Preparer. Now any team member with the Filing Preparer role can edit a filing with any status (i.e., Pending Actuary Approval, Pending Payment Info, and Pending Admin Approval), as long as the filing has not been submitted to PBGC. It is important to note that if the filing had any approvals or certifications prior to edited and brought back to "Draft" status, the filing will need to go through the certification process again before it is submitted to PBGC (05/02/2022).
- As many practitioners requested, now when adding a new practitioner to a plan the Filing Preparer role will automatically be defaulted to the user. Filing Coordinators will still be able to add/remove roles of the associated plan practitioners via the Role Management Page, but it is important to note that if you remove the Filing Preparer role from the practitioner, they will not be able to create new or edit existing premium filings prior to submission (05/02/2022).
- Deferred Filing Submission is back! As was the case with the previous version of My PAA, you now have the option to defer the actual submission of a completed premium filing and associated My PAA payment to the PBGC until a future date (submit later). Please review the associated My PAA Published Answer for more details (12/22/2021).
- Redesigned the Filing Task History tool on the Filing Details page, which now:
- Appears on the top of the page and runs horizontally, in chronological order across the page.
- Color-coded based on task completion status.
- Dynamically displays next steps based on filing data.
- Enabled a setting where Enrolled actuaries can save their EA# and firm name in My PAA account settings, so that data will automatically populate when providing actuary certifications.
- Revised the content of filing status emails, streamlining the navigation path needed to submit filings.
- Added a sortable "Last Filing Update" column to the Plan List table which allows users to identify which plans have not yet been worked since a certain date.
- Added the "Last Login Date" column to the Team Member table on the Plan Details page. (09/20/2021)
- Specified what data to enter in the Plan Administrator Details section when certifying as a Plan Admin Rep in My PAA (enter the actual Plan Administrator’s name, not the entity or a third-party representative).
- Clarified how to edit filing/payment data if already in the certification process (Return for Edit rather than Reject). For details, please review this demo.
- Added a direct link to My PAA Online Demos and Instructions by Topic to the tool bar of every page in the application. (08/23/2021)
- The process for amending a filing has been simplified and streamlined. For details, please review this “knowledge” article and/or this video demo. (7/30/2021)
- Disable automated filing status emails for any other team members, or for every plan in your My PAA account.
- Send personalized message notifications directly from the Plan Details page of My PAA to filing team members or any other outside email address.
- Enhanced the Filing Details page to more clearly indicate what needs to happen in order to submit a screen prepared filing (filing status, next sequential step, etc.).
- Added the Filing Summary and draft Filing Receipt buttons to the pre-submission Filing Preparer page (before sending for actuary certification).
- Added a direct link (shortcut) to the “In-Process” filing page, available from the main site tool bar, which appears on every My PAA page.
- Please review the following training materials to familiarize yourself with the new My PAA, Online Demonstrations & In-Site Knowledge Articles.
- New Version of My PAA Now Available: The new and improved version of My PAA is now available and ready to accept electronic premium filings for plan years beginning in 2021. PBGC encourages all premium filers to review these resources. Note: You will retain your current username but will need to create a new password the first time you log into My PAA on or after April 26, 2021.
- PBGC has new mailing addresses for premium payments and correspondence: Premium Filing Payment & Instructions
- See the top of the My PAA Login Page for any outage information and helpful reminders.
- Always verify and use the most current payment addresses that are on our website for all premium filings, including filings for prior plan years. In addition, always show the EIN/PN and PYC on all payments.
- If you want to pay online via My PAA or, be sure that your account will allow PBGC to pull the payment. If your account has an "ACH Debit Block," you must give the following PBGC Company ID(s) to your financial institution before you submit your payment: 1601000606 to pay via My PAA or 1601000603 to pay via
- If you forget to print the check voucher while you are in My PAA, you may print a blank check voucher from our website and complete the requested data to help ensure that the check is posted promptly and accurately to the plan’s Account History (e.g., EIN/PN).
- Keep your My PAA account current. Use the password rules when you set up or change your password; update your account when there is a change to your name, email address, telephone number; and deactivate your account if it is no longer needed. Also, once per year, the system will prompt you to review your account information and make any needed updates when you login.
- Regularly review each plan's online premium account history (on the Plan Page) to see if there are any premium underpayments or overpayments to address.
- Be aware that premium data may be prepopulated on the My PAA screens for your review (e.g., if there appear to be any available overpayments to use as premium credits) and warnings may be displayed if data appears to be incorrect or inconsistent (e.g., if the plan’s effective date is different from the previously reported date).
- To help use My PAA effectively, review the online Demos and use the most current version of the most compatible browsers.
- To sign up to receive "What's New" alerts, visit the What's New for Practitioners page.
- If you have any premium-related questions, please contact our premium representatives at or 1-800-736-2444 and select “2” for premiums.
My Plan Administration Account (My PAA) is a secure Web-based application that enables pension plan professionals to electronically submit premium filings and payments to PBGC in accordance with PBGC's regulations. PBGC's mandatory filing requirements apply to all types of filings, including both original and amended filings. Using My PAA to electronically submit your premium filings:
- Streamlines the premium filing process for users.
- Helps users prepare, and PBGC process, premium filings faster and more accurately.
- Provides immediate confirmation of date and time that PBGC received your filing.
- Helps PBGC provide more accurate and timely invoices.
- Speeds up refund processing.
- Offers filing options that enable filers to view premium data submitted.
- Enables on-line access to plan premium filing account histories.
- Create a My PAA account Each person who will take part in the filing process must first register for a My PAA account. Each person only registers once because the username, password and secret question/answer that are set up during registration are used for all plans, premium filings, filing options, and My PAA tasks. Review the create an account demonstration
- Identify the plan's "filing coordinator" The filing coordinator is the person who typically ensures that the plan's premium filings are submitted on time and has the responsibility to perform My PAA administrative tasks for the plan. The responsible parties for the plan (e.g., the plan administrator, plan sponsor, enrolled actuary) should work together to determine who will be the plan's filing coordinator. Anyone can be the filing coordinator (e.g., the plan administrator's representative, actuary, consultant, etc.) as long as there is agreement among the plan or sponsor and the people involved.
- Determine which filing option and payment method to use The plan's administrator/sponsor (with assistance from the filing coordinator and support staff) determines the filing option to use from among the three options outlined below. You may find it helpful to review the Comparison Chart of Premium Filing Options document when determining the best option for your needs.
- Add a plan (filing coordinators only) >The filing coordinator adds at least one plan to his/her My PAA account. Review the add a plan demonstration
- Set up filing team (filing coordinators only) The filing coordinator sets up the filing team for the plan (if applicable) by inviting other practitioners who will be involved with the filing process (e.g., who will contribute to the filing) and assigning them appropriate permissions. Review the Manage Roles demonstration
- Prepare/submit premium filing(s) The appropriate filing team member begins the filing process using the desired filing option. The remaining steps in the filing process are dependent upon the option selected and the make up of the filing team.
Filing option 1 - Create and submit filings via My PAA's Data Entry and Editing Screens only for plans reflected in your account.
- Each person who will prepare, edit or sign a filing must have a My PAA account. (If a plan administrator representative signs for the plan administrator, the plan administrator must certify a paper version of the filing and retain the certified document in plan files.)
- Each filing is created separately in My PAA and submitted individually to PBGC.
- Payment may be made within My PAA or outside My PAA.
More about filing option 1
Filing option 2 - Import filings created with compatible private-sector software and submit them via My PAA only for plans reflected in your account.
- Each person who will prepare, edit or sign a filing must have a My PAA account. (If a plan administrator representative signs for the plan administrator, the plan administrator must certify a paper version of the filing and retain the certified document in plan files.)
- More than one filing can be imported at a time. (Functionality will be available in August 2021)
- Each imported filing is submitted individually to PBGC.
- Payment may be made within My PAA or outside My PAA.
More about filing option 2
Filing option 3 - Upload and submit filings created with compatible private-sector software only for plans reflected in your account.
- Only the person performing the upload is required to have a My PAA account.
- More than one filing can be uploaded and submitted at the same time. (Functionality will be available in August 2021)
- Filings must be certified before they are uploaded (typically done on a paper version of the filing) and certifications must be retained in plan files.
- For uploads which contain a single filing, payments may be made within My PAA or outside My PAA.
- For uploads which contain more than one filing, payments must be made outside of My PAA.
More about filing option 3