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Benefit Determination Status

PBGC has issued over 82,000 final benefit determinations to participants and beneficiaries in the Bethlehem Steel pension plan. Approximately 11,000 benefit determinations remain to be issued, mostly for participants and beneficiaries in the following groups:

  • Participants in one of Bethlehem Steel's railroad subplans;

  • Participants in Lukens Steel pension plans before its acquisition by Bethlehem Steel;

  • Participants with Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) and their Alternate Payees;

  • Participants who are both a participant in the pension plan and a beneficiary of another participant in the plan;

  • Participants affected by the plan's earnings limit which determines the amount of the $400 supplement that can be paid in a year;

  • Participants and beneficiaries with benefits in Priority Category 3 (i.e. those who were or could have retired on or before December 18, 1999);

  • Participants whose benefits were offset by the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) benefit; and

  • Participants who transferred between subplans.

If you have not yet received your final benefit determination, please understand that we are working diligently to get it to you as soon as possible. We expect to issue all remaining benefit determinations by December 31, 2010. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we regret any inconvenience the delay may cause.

Last Updated:

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