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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Strategic Plan

On June 25, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order 14035: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) in the Federal Workforce. This Executive Order charges all agencies to play a part in reforming policies and programs to make the Federal government a model employer regarding DEIA. Accordingly, the Federal Government must continue to strengthen its ability to recruit, hire, develop, promote, and retain a workforce that is reflective of the diversity of the United States and remove any barriers to equal opportunity.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s (PBGC) DEIA Strategic Plan – 2022 will be used to set public expectations, promote accountability, and inform the Corporation’s longer-term DEIA Strategic planning and implementation strategy. We will accomplish this by implementing the following initiatives:

  • Continue to diversify the Federal workforce via equitable hiring practices.
  • Develop a DEIA curriculum.
  • Explore solutions to make the new PBGC headquarters more accessible.

PBGC has established a Cross-Agency DEIA Advisory Team to engage stakeholders across the Corporation. The Team’s role is to facilitate, inform, and advance PBGC’s progress on addressing EO 14035. The Cross-Agency DEIA Advisory Team will guide the work that is occurring enterprise-wide throughout PBGC. 

  • Office of Benefits Administration
    • Deputy Chief of Benefits Administration
  • Office of Equal Employment Opportunity 
    • Director, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity 
  • Office of Management Administration
    • Director, Human Resources Department 
  • Office of General Counsel
    • Deputy General Counsel
  • Office of Information Technology
    • Chief Information Security Officer 
  • Office of Policy and External Affairs
    • Director, Communications Outreach and Legislative Affairs Department

To aid agencies in their efforts to craft DEIA best practices and policies, the Administration’s DEIA Initiative Team released a Government-Wide Strategic Plan to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce in November of 2021.

For more information on DEIA efforts across the Federal government, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has developed a DEIA Fact Sheet titled Building a Better Workforce for the American People.

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