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What Information Is Not Available on

Information about your specific pension benefit is not on If you are in a troubled pension plan, it may be necessary for PBGC to step in and "trustee" (take over) your pension plan. If that happens, we first obtain and review documents related to the pension plan you are in — a process that takes at least a few months. In most cases, PBGC does not need to step in and the information about you and your pension benefit remains with the employer that promised you a pension.

Pension benefit estimates are not available online. If PBGC has trusteed your pension, and has had time to process the documents related to the pension plan you are in, we can provide you a pension benefit estimate. Calculating PBGC pension benefits is a complicated task since each pension plan has its own rules, provisions, and benefit formulas. To date, we don't have an online system that incorporates the thousands of variables related to your pension plan to produce a quick estimate for you. But for now, we'll be happy to send you a benefit estimate calculated the old-fashioned way. You can request a pension benefit estimate online. does not have information about 401(k) plans. PBGC does not insure 401(k) plans or other types of retirement plans in which an employee and/or employer makes contributions to the employee's individual plan account. Such arrangements are known as defined contribution plans and some common types include:

  • 401(k) plans,
  • 403(b) plans,
  • profit-sharing plans,
  • employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs),
  • thrift savings plans,
  • and money purchase plans.

We do not have information about these types of plans on our website. More information can be found on the Department of Labor's Retirement Plans, Benefits & Savings page and the Internal Revenue Service's 401(k) Overview. does not have information about military, federal, state, or local/municipal government pensions. PBGC insures the pension plans of most private (non-governmental) employers but we do not insure, nor have information about, public sector pensions.

Navigating Our Website Multiple Ways

The tabs across the top of this page take you directly to information tailored to specific types of users (e.g., Workers & Retirees). Above the tabs, at the very top of the page, you’ll find additional useful links directly to our A-Z IndexFAQs, Glossary, and Contact Us page. Or, use the Search box located in the top right corner of each page to find the specific information you need.

Throughout the site you will see links to MyPBA, our secure online service for handling common transactions, available to participants in PBGC-trusteed pension plans. My PAA serves a similar purpose for pension plan administrators.

See Also More Resources for Finding a Lost Pension.


Last Updated:

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