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Annual Funding Notice for Defined Benefit Pension Plans

Did you recently receive an Annual Funding Notice? 

Pension plan administrators are required to send annual funding notices to keep pension plan participants and beneficiaries, in single-employer and multiemployer plans, informed about the financial status of their pension plans. 

The notice does not mean that a single-employer plan ended, or a multiemployer plan became insolvent. 

The notice provides information about:

•    How well a pension plan is funded
•    The value of a pension plan's assets and liabilities
•    How a pension plan's assets are invested
•    The legal limits on how much PBGC can pay if a pension plan ends or becomes insolvent

For more information about the notice, or questions about your plan or pension benefit, please contact the plan administrator using the contact information provided in the notice.

If you have questions about the legal limits on how much PBGC can pay if a pension plan ends or becomes insolvent, see Guaranteed Pensions.

Last Updated:

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