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Governmental plan
Opinion Letter 75-44
A plan maintained by a public agency or political subdivision which has been taken over from a private business is excluded from coverage.
Opinion Letter 76-95
Employer created by state law is a political subdivision of state with authority to tax. Plan meets the Governmental plan exemption from coverage.
Opinion Letter 81-03
Tribal plan meets the Governmental plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 96-03
Plan does not meet the Governmental plan exemption from coverage.
Opinion Letter 98-02
Plan does not meet the Governmental plan exemption from coverage.
Opinion Letter 80-01
State liability with respect to private-sector plans to which employees contribute.
Opinion Letter 83-16
Government contractors are not excluded from PBGC coverage.
Opinion Letter 81-30
Plan meets the Governmental plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 81-02
Plan meets the Governmental plan coverage exemption.
Opinion Letter 81-13
A plan maintained by a company under contract to provide services for a Federal agency does not meet the Governmental plan coverage exemption.