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ERISA Section 4050 Mortality Table for 2017 Valuation Dates

This mortality table is used as part of the "missing participant annuity assumptions" as discussed in 29 CFR 4050. This mortality table is also available in EXCEL.

The rate tables applicable for other years are accessible from the main ERISA Section 4044/4050 Mortality Tables page.

Mortality Rates for year 2017 Valuation Dates Under Section 4050
Age Blend
15 0.000167
16 0.000192
17 0.000211
18 0.000224
19 0.000230
20 0.000234
21 0.000244
22 0.000259
23 0.000284
24 0.000313
25 0.000354
26 0.000413
27 0.000441
28 0.000457
29 0.000475
30 0.000501
31 0.000528
32 0.000546
33 0.000555
34 0.000560
35 0.000567
36 0.000578
37 0.000599
38 0.000616
39 0.000640
40 0.000674
41 0.000712
42 0.000753
43 0.000791
44 0.000828
45 0.000858
46 0.000897
47 0.000949
48 0.001020
49 0.001097
50 0.001198
51 0.001315
52 0.001473
53 0.001678
54 0.001902
55 0.002209
56 0.002591
57 0.003034
58 0.003520
59 0.003999
60 0.004541
61 0.005255
62 0.005971
63 0.006916
64 0.007842
65 0.008843
66 0.010087
67 0.011200
68 0.012065
69 0.013127
70 0.014004
71 0.015065
72 0.016575
73 0.018009
74 0.019808
75 0.021920
76 0.024240
77 0.027864
78 0.031653
79 0.035927
80 0.040733
81 0.046115
82 0.052112
83 0.057423
84 0.064212
85 0.071321
86 0.079443
87 0.090565
88 0.102053
89 0.114470
90 0.128642
91 0.141471
92 0.157875
93 0.175069
94 0.190917
95 0.211279
96 0.228506
97 0.249543
98 0.272046
99 0.290262
100 0.308809
101 0.338758
102 0.358830
103 0.380735
104 0.404426
105 0.427883
106 0.449085
107 0.466012
108 0.478582
109 0.488140
110 0.494813
111 0.498724
112 0.500000
113 0.500000
114 0.500000
115 0.500000
116 0.500000
117 0.500000
118 0.500000
119 0.500000
120 1.000000
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