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Setting PBGC Premiums

Our Objective:

Preserving Retirement Security & Defined Benefit Plans

Preserving Retirement Security & Defined Benefit Plans


If Premiums weren’t raised, PBGC would have been Bankrupt Twenty Years Ago

If Premiums weren’t raised, PBGC would  have been Bankrupt Twenty Years Ago



  • Can DB Plans afford higher premiums?
  • Who should raise them?
  • Should premium increases be done more fairly?



PBGC Premiums are a Minuscule Portion of Labor Costs

PBGC Premiums are a Minuscule Portion of Labor Costs



Many times over many years, as PBGC’s deficit grew, Congress has raised premiums

Many times over many years, as PBGC’s deficit grew, Congress has raised premiums


Plan Credit

Most DB Plans Have Credit Worthy Sponsors

Most DB Plans Have Credit Worthy Sponsors


Setting Premiums using FDIC Model

How should premiums be set?

How should premiums be set?


Design Issues

Design Issues

Last Updated:

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