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PBGC Artificial Intelligence Use Cases

Use Case Name Bureau/Component/Division/Branch Use Case Topic Stage of Development
Synthetic Data Generation PBGC ALL Generative AI Planning
Use Case Problem Type(s)
Addressing the need to test systems using non-production data
Intended Purpose and Expected Benefit
Efficient creation of test data that closely mimics production data, while protecting PII/CUI/etc. (scheduled and/or on-demand), to increase speed and accuracy of system testing
AI System's Output Description
Test data and results that deters usage and safeguards PBGC production data
Use Case Name Bureau/Component/Division/Branch Use Case Topic Stage of Development
IT Security Monitoring OIT Machine Learning Production
Use Case Problem Type(s)
Safeguarding PBGC data and content
Intended Purpose and Expected Benefit
Machine Learning capabilities to enhance IT Security monitoring to protect PBGC assets, people, and data
AI System's Output Description
Enhances detection and reporting of potential IT Security events
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