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Apply for or update direct deposit


  • Electronic deposits are safe, secure, and simple, and they eliminate the risk of lost or stolen pension checks or postal delays.
    • 8 out of 9 payment delays are due to paper checks!
    • More than one in every 200 paper checks is delayed, usually because of postal issues. Checks can also be lost or stolen.
    • Fewer than one in every 4,000 EDD payments is delayed.
  • Your pension benefit is transferred to your account on the first business day of each month and your funds are available sooner than if you had to cash or deposit the check.
    • No more waiting until as late as the 7th of the month for a check.
    • No more unnecessary trips to the bank to cash or deposit your check.
  • The deposit will be shown on your monthly statement, just like any other deposit.
  • You also can confirm the deposit through other methods such as telephone banking, automated teller machines (ATMs), or computer banking services.



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