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System of Records Notices

A System of Records is a group of any records (paper and/or electronic) under the control of an agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol or other identifying particular assigned to the individual. The Privacy Act requires agencies to publish a System of Records Notice (SORN) for every System of Records that it maintains. PBGC publishes all new, revised, or rescinded SORNs in the Federal Register. The most current citation and hyperlink for all PBGC SORNs 1-26 and the Prefatory Statement of General Routine Uses in the Federal Register is located in (83 FR 6247). PBGC-26 was subsequently modified in (84 FR 32786). PBGC-19 was then modified in (86 FR 49061). PBGC 21 was modified in (86 FR 63426). PBGC-27 and 28 were established in (87 FR 4668). PBGC-6 was modified in (87 FR 79002). PBGC-29 was established in (88 FR 41663). PBGC-17 and PBGC-28 were modified at (89 FR 3436). PBGC-30 was established at (89 FR 3436).

Below is a list of all of PBGC's SORNs. Each SORN below describes what, why, and how PBGC collects, maintains, and uses records in that system.

PBGC-1: Congressional Correspondence

PBGC-2: Disbursements

PBGC-3: Employee Payroll, Leave and Attendance Records

PBGC-6: Plan Participant and Beneficiary Data

PBGC-8: Employee Relations Files

PBGC-9: Unclaimed Retirement Funds

PBGC-10: Administrative Appeals File

PBGC-11: Call Detail Records

PBGC-12: Personnel Security Investigation Records

PBGC-13: Debt Collection

PBGC-14: My Plan Administration Account Records

PBGC-15: Emergency Notification Records

PBGC-16: People Search

PBGC-17: Office of Inspector General Investigative File System

PBGC–19: Office of Negotiations and Restructuring/Office of General Counsel Case Management System

PBGC-21: Reasonable Accommodation Records

PBGC-22: Telework and Alternative Worksite Records

PBGC-23: Internal Investigations of Allegations of Harassing Conduct

PBGC-25: Comment Management System

PBGC-26: PBGC Insider Threat and Data Loss Prevention

PBGC-27: Ensuring Workplace Health and Safety in Response to a Public Health Emergency

PBGC–28: Physical Security and Facility Access

PBGC-29: Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Request Records

PBGC-30: Surveys and Complaints

Government-Wide System of Record Notices

Archived System of Records Notices

General Routine Uses

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