Table S-24 PBGC Retired Payees and Average Benefit Payments by Gender and Age (2005) Single-Employer Program

  Payees Average Monthly Pension Payees Average Monthly Pension Payees Average Monthly Pension
Younger than 60 70,487 100.0% $677 49,606 70.4% $794 20,881 29.6% $394
60 - 64 87,329 100.0% 630 64,375 73.7% 724 22,954 26.3% 29.7%
65 - 69 105,670 100.0% 576 78,779 74.6% 669 26,891 25.4% 299
70 - 74 101,385 100.0% 551 74,732 73.7% 654 26,653 26.3% 259
75 - 79 92,931 100.0% 484 64,959 69.9% 593 27,972 30.1% 226
80 - 84 72,511 100.0% 420 47,055 64.9% 534 25,456 35.1% 206
85 and older 56,749 100.0% 350 33,199 58.5% 473 23,550 41.5% 174
TOTAL 587,062 100.0% $535 412,705 70.3% $647 174,357 29.7% $270
Sources: PBGC Participant System (PRISM), fiscal year calculations and PBGC Management Reports.
Due to rounding of individual items, totals may not add up exactly to totals in other tables and percentages may not add up to 100 percent.
Numbers in table include periodic payees only.

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