Table S-16
PBGC Claims by Size of Claim and Plan Size (1975-2005)
Single-Employer Program

Number of Plan Participants Size of Claim Less Than $1 Million Size of Claim $1 - $9 Million Size of Claim $10 - $99 Million Size of Claim $100 - $999 Million Size of Claim $1 Billion or More Total
Less than 25 $64,723,803 $3,101,652 --- --- --- $67,825,455
25-99 237,983,656 113,972,049 --- --- --- 351,955,705
100-999 229,705,480 1,702,002,313 $984,216,272 --- --- 2,915,924,065
1,000-4,999 7,476,014 313,804,656 3,082,442,719 $1,409,933,930 --- 4,813,657,319
5,000-9,999 --- 6,420,835 585,192,364 3,631,569,775 --- 4,223,182,974
10,000 and over --- --- 223,318,294 6,792,670,199 $12,319,981,030 19,335,969,522
TOTAL $539,888,952 $2,139,301,505 $4,875,169,649 $11,834,173,903 $12,319,981,030 $31,708,515,039
Percent of Total 1.7% 6.7% 15.4% 37.3% 38.9% 100.0%
Sources: PBGC Fiscal Year Closing File (9/30/05) and PBGC Case Administration System.
Claim values and distributions are subject to change as PBGC completes reviews.

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