PBGC Data Book At A Glance

  Single-Employer Program (Dollars in Millions) Multiemployer Program (Dollars in Millions) Combined Programs (Dollars in Millions)
Fiscal Year 2004 Net Financial Position -$23,305 -$236 -$23,541
Fiscal Year 2004 Total Assets $38,993 $1,070 $40,063
Fiscal Year 2004 Total Liabilities $62,298 $1,306 $63,604
Fiscal Year 2004 Premium Income $1,458 $27 $1,485
Fiscal Year 2004 Number of Insured Plans 29,651 1,587 31,238
Fiscal Year 2004 Number of Covered Participants 34.6 million 9.8 million 44.4 million
Fiscal Year 2004 New Plans Trusteed or Pending Trusteeship 192 n/a 192
Fiscal Year 2004 Change in Gross Claims $3,017 n/a $3,017
Fiscal Year 2004 Number of Payees * 532,884 324 533,208
Fiscal Year 2004 Total Benefits Paid $3,006 $1 $3,007
Fiscal Year 2004 Number of Plans Receiving Financial Assistance n/a 27 27
Fiscal Year 2004 Amount of Financial Assistance Granted n/a $10 $10
Fiscal Years 1975-2004 Plans Trusteed or Pending Trusteeship 3,469 10 3,479
Fiscal Years 1975-2004 Amount of Claims $20,605 $31 $20,636
Fiscal Years 1975-2004 Number of Plans Receiving Financial Assistance n/a 38 38
Fiscal Years 1975-2004 Amount of Financial Assistance Granted n/a $177 $177

Sources: PBGC Pension Insurance Data Book Tables S-1, S-2, S-3, S-20, S-30, S-31, M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4, M-5 and M-6.
*The number of payees includes those receiving a periodic pension benefit payment and those who received a lump sum benefit payment from PBGC during FY 2004.

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