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PBGC Equity Action Plan

Executive Order 13985 charged the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in partnership with the heads of agencies, to identify, by July 2021, effective methods for assessing whether agency policies and actions (e.g., programs, services, processes, and operations) equitably serve all eligible individuals and communities, particularly those that are currently and historically underserved.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s (PBGC) Equity Action Plan will be used to set public expectations, promote accountability, and inform the Corporation’s longer-term equity planning and implementation strategy. We will accomplish this by implementing the following initiatives:

  • Improving our customer outreach and communications.
  • Educating at-risk older retirees and participants.
  • Expanding small and disadvantaged business utilization (including minority-, women-, and veteran-owned small businesses).
  • Cultivating relationships with community colleges. 

PBGC has established a diverse Equity Team to engage stakeholders from across the Corporation. The Team’s role is to facilitate, inform, and advance PBGC’s progress on the equity assessments, action planning, and other actions directed by EO 13985. The Equity Team will guide the work that is occurring enterprise-wide throughout PBGC.

  • Office of Management and Administration 
    • Workplace Solutions Department (Director)
    • Procurement Department (Director)
    • Quality Management Department (Manager)
  • Office of Benefits Administration
    • Plan Asset and Data Management Department (Supervisor)
  • Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (Director)
  • Office of Negotiations and Restructuring
    • Corporate Finance and Restructuring Department (Deputy Director)
  • Office of Policy and External Affairs
    • Communications, Outreach, and Legislative Affairs Department (Public Relations Specialist)
  • Office of Information Technology
    • Enterprise Governance Department (508 Program Manager)
  • Office of the General Counsel (Attorney)

To learn more about the Administration’s Equity Agenda, please visit the White House Equity Microsite.

For further information on government-wide equity efforts, please visit the Equity Microsite.

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