Table S-6
PBGC Trusteed Terminations by Fiscal Year and Size of Claim (1975-2005)
Single-Employer Program

Size of Claim Fiscal Year 1975-1979 Fiscal Year 1980-1984 Fiscal Year 1985-1989 Fiscal Year 1990-1994 Fiscal Year 1995-1999 Fiscal Year 2000-2005 Total
Less than $1 million 545 537 451 532 304 274 2,643 76.2%
$1 to $9 million 36 66 66 137 118 215 638 18.4%
$10 to $99 million 5 18 15 17 16 85 156 4.5%
$100 to $999 million ---   ---  5 6  --- 19 30 0.9%
$1 billion or more ---   ---  ---  ---  --- 2 2 0.1%
TOTAL 586 621 537 692 438 595 3,469 100.0%
Sources: PBGC Fiscal Year Closing File (9/30/04) and PBGC Case Administration System.
Claim values and distributions are subject to change as PBGC completes reviews and establishes termination dates.
Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to 100%.

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