Table S-6
PBGC Trusteed Terminations by Fiscal Year and Size of Claim (1975-2003)
Single-Employer Program

Size of Claim Fiscal Year 1975-1979 Fiscal Year 1980-1984 Fiscal Year 1985-1989 Fiscal Year 1990-1994 Fiscal Year 1995-1999 Fiscal Year 2000-2003 Total
Less than $1 million 545 537 451 532 302 187 2,554 77.9%
$1 to $9 million 36 66 66 137 118 152 575 17.5%
$10 to $99 million 5 18 20 17 16 49 125 3.8%
$100 to $999 million ---   ---  --- 6  --- 15 21 0.6%
$1 billion or more ---   ---  ---  ---  --- 2 2 0.1%
TOTAL 586 621 537 692 436 405 3,277 100.0%
Sources: PBGC Fiscal Year Closing File (9/30/03) and PBGC Case Administration System.
Claim values and distributions are subject to change as PBGC completes reviews and establishes termination dates.

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