Table S-16
PBGC Claims by Size of Claim and Plan Size (1975-2003)
Single-Employer Program

Number of Plan Participants Size of Claim Less Than $1 Million Size of Claim $1 - $9 Million Size of Claim $10 - $99 Million Size of Claim $100 - $999 Million Size of Claim $1 Billion or More Total
Less than 25 $55,572,351 $4,219,654 --- --- --- $59,792,004
25-99 219,496,171 78,124,886 --- --- --- 297,621,057
100-999 212,960,380 1,373,261,606 $671,366,744 --- --- 2,257,588,730
1,000-4,999 7,528,400 293,795,893 1,930,661,457 $1,291,947,652 --- 3,523,933,403
5,000-9,999 --- 6,420,835 424,261,286 2,171,339,821 --- 2,602,021,941
10,000 and over --- --- 217,539,072 3,467,779,023 $5,161,923,725 8,847,241,821
TOTAL $495,557,302 $1,755,822,873 $3,243,828,559 $6,931,066,496 $5,161,923,725 $17,588,198,956
Percent of Total 2.8% 10.0% 18.4% 39.4% 29.3% 100.0%
Sources: PBGC Fiscal Year Closing File (9/30/03) and PBGC Case Administration System.
Claim values and distributions are subject to change as PBGC completes reviews.

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