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PBGC Strategic Goals and Outcomes FY 2006-2011

Goal 1

PBGC will safeguard the federal pension insurance system for the benefit of participants, plan sponsors, and other stakeholders

Strategic Outcomes
The desired outcomes of PBGC efforts:

  • prompt identification, evaluation and monitoring of potentially significant risks to the pension insurance program;
  • prompt and effective action to avoid or mitigate losses when plans pose a significant risk to the insurance program;
  • enforcement with compliance of pension insurance program laws and regulations under Title IV of ERISA; and
  • a policy environment consistent with the interest of the pension insurance program stakeholders.

Goal 2

PBGC willprovide exceptional service to customers and stakeholders

Strategic Outcomes
The desired outcomes of PBGC efforts:

  • timely, accurate and responsive customer service;
  • empowered customers who can interact with PBGC through the Internet and other automated channels; and
  • better informed customers and stakeholders.

Goal 3

PBGC will exercise effective and efficient stewardship of PBGC resources

Strategic Outcomes
The desired outcomes of PBGC efforts:

  • sustain achievement in the President's Management Agenda objectives; and
  • pursue business practices that promote excellence in the achievement of PBGC goals objectives.

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